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Part of working out means buying new clothes!

March 4, 2011

Yes, working out gives me an excuse to buy a whole new category of clothes. And workout clothes are fabulous because you can wear obnoxiously bright colors and it’s OK! I love clothes and shopping almost as much as I love food! But being a poor college student, I can’t afford the expensive workout gear that I see everywhere. I love Fitness magazine, but it seems like almost every ad for clothing contains a piece of clothing that is $40.00 or more. And I recently went out to buy a new workout bra, but everything I kept finding was about $20.00. Not a horrible price, but since I work out every day I need multiples of all the clothing so it’d just be too expensive.

My favorite place to buy workout clothes is at Old Navy. They’re pretty cheap and the same material as you’d find anywhere else! Here’s a direct link to their site that has their activewear:

I feel like the clothes are just as good quality as you’d find any where else. I used the same pieces I bought from day 1 of my workout until -100 pounds later when they were just too big to wear any more. So they definitely got a lot of use and stayed in shape! They also have a really nice variety of colors and patterns, which is great!

I figured I’d throw this post out there since a couple people have told me lately that they’ve just recently started working out! I’m so excited to see other people take an interest in their bodies and health and start making positive changes! So since I know some people are just starting to work out, I figured I’d give them some ideas of how to do it while dressing cheaply! 🙂

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Fernanda permalink
    March 6, 2011 10:45 pm

    I need new workout clothes! I’ll definitely check out Old Navy 😀

  2. March 8, 2011 2:17 pm

    Thanks for the tip. I work out at home right now just because it’s easier for me. your blog is very informative. If you are looking for some healthy versions of traditional recipes visit my blog at

    • March 8, 2011 6:07 pm

      I work out at home too! It’s definitely a lot easier and saves time. By the time it’d take to drive to a gym, park, then start working out I can be half done if I’m working out at home. Thanks for visiting my site, I hope to see you around here! I’ll definitely check out yours, I always LOVE new recipes!! 🙂

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